What are the different categories of unwanted birds?


Scientific classification: Cockroaches make up the order Blattodea, which contains five families. The American cockroach is Periplaneta americana, and the Oriental cockroach is Blatta orientalis, both in the family Blattidae.

Cockroaches have earned a bad reputation not only because they feed on human food stores and garbage but because they foul their surroundings, leave behind a repugnant odor, and are extremely difficult to eradicate. However, cockroaches may not be as dirty as they seem. In laboratory experiments, household species are capable of contaminating food and other objects with human disease organisms, but they have not been implicated in actual disease outbreaks. In fact, cockroaches are Unwanted Insects  spend a great deal of time cleaning themselves.


Scientific classification: Mosquitoes make up the family Culicidae of the order Diptera.

Dreaded qualities of mosquitoes

The typical species is most abundant in warm regions. The common house mosquito of the United States is a carrier of encephalitis. Other species are responsible for the spread of yellow fever and dengue. Several species of a related group transmit malaria. This group is characterized by palpi, or sense organs, on the mouthparts that are as long as the sucking tube in both the male and the female. The wings of these mosquitoes are spotted with white and dark areas, Unwanted Insects. These mosquitoes rest with the head and sucking tube parallel to the surface on which they are resting and with the body bent at an angle to this surface; other mosquitoes, including the common house mosquito, rest with the body parallel and with the head at an angle to the surface.


Scientific classification: Locusts belong to the order Orthoptera. True locusts belong to the family Acrididae. Grouse, or pygmy, locusts belong to the family Tetrigidae.

What are lucost

The Locust are insects whose names commonly apply to a number of jumping insects and especially to the true locusts, which are migratory grasshoppers (see Grasshopper). The true locusts cause great damage to crops wherever they swarm. Control measures include the spreading of poison bait and the plowing under of locust eggs Unwanted Insects. Infestations threatening large regions of the United States are combated with insecticides sprayed by planes and truck-mounted mist blowers provided by joint federal-state programs.


Scientific classification: True lice belong to the order Phthiraptera. The crab louse is classified as Phthirus pubis

What are lice

The Louse is common name for several species of small, wingless insects. Three types of true, or sucking, lice infest humans: the crab louse, a broad, grayish-white insect, about 0.3 cm (about 0.13 in) long, usually found in the hairs of the pubic region; and two slender, gray lice, also about 0.3 cm long: the body louse, usually found in clothing, and the head louse, found in the hairs of the head (See also Parasite). The eggs, or nits, are attached to the hair or deposited in the seams of clothing. These species subsist on the blood of humans; the body louse is a vector in the transmission of several diseases (see Relapsing Fever; Typhus), Unwanted Insects.True lice infecting domestic animals include the hog louse, the horse louse, two species of cattle lice, and the dog louse.