The human brain is main organ in the head; it is safeguarded by the skull. Human brain is the main facility unit and interpreter of senses for the human nervous system. Brain is the command center for Central Nervous System. Brain is one of the most complex and functionary parts of human body. It ob
The eye is the most fascinating and complex part of the human body, but have you ever wondered how does the eye work? The question will be answered in this article. Before knowing the answer to the question ‘how does the eye work’, we should first know what constitutes the eye. Parts of
Let us now discuss about the anatomy of human body. The physiology of the body of any animal or organism over the planet is complex and vast. We, the humans have a body that constitutes of large number of organs. All the organs are equally essential for the survival of a human being. Each organ [&he
In humans, the sense of smell is meagre compared to other animals. However, it is extremely sharp compared to other mammals. Humans are capable of recognizing different smells and odours acutely. Humans can smell more than ten thousands of smells. In humans, the sense of smell is through the nasal p
The Human nervous system controls the intentional and unintentional actions in the body. Human nervous system is a complicated linkage of nerves; they communicate data between the brain, spinal cord and remaining parts of the body. Human nervous system can be explained by dividing it into two parts.
It is generally assumed that the skeletal system is composed of bones. The skeleton seen in anatomy classes also supports this assumption, but in reality the human skeletal system contains tendons and ligaments along with bones. Parts of the Skeletal System Bones: Bones are made up of a protein call
What is the Function of the Muscular System? Muscles in the body help in the movement of parts of human body. Muscle tissues play a vital role in maintaining the posture of human body. Another important function of muscular system is that few muscle tissues transport blood and nutrients to body part
Humans cannot survive without air. Technically it is one of the components of the whole air that is required by the human body. It is called oxygen. Oxygen forms the basis of various cellular pathways that keeps the body running. Blood when mixed with oxygen forms the pure form that is then transpor
All the living organisms’ intake food and have a system to utilize the required amount and flush out the rest. This activity is carried out by a group of organs that together form the excretory system. This system functions to flush out various toxins that could harm the body. The excretory system
Most people may not recognize it but the human skin is an organ. It is actually the largest organ of the human body. What are the functions of the skin? It serves many functions such as regulating body temperature and acting as a barrier from the outside elements. It even has the ability to repair [