What do frogs eat, Frogs and Toads, reptiles and amphibians

What do frogs eat, Frogs and Toads, reptiles and amphibians
Scientific classification: Frogs are members of the order Anura in the class Amphibia. The bullfrog and the West African goliath frog are members of the family Ranidae and are classified as, Rana catesbeiana and Conraua goliath, respectively. Poison dart frogs comprise several genera of the family D

Crocodile,reptiles and amphibians, what do crocodiles eat

Crocodile,reptiles and amphibians, what do crocodiles eat
Scientific classification: Crocodiles belong to the genera Crocodylus,Ostaeolamus, and Tomistoma of the family Crocodylidae, order Crocodylia. Introduction The Crocodile is a reptile and is found within crocodilian order. The term crocodilian refers to all members of the order, what do crocodiles ea