Scientific classification: The Tasmanian devil is classified as Sarcophilus harrisii. Introduction The Tasmanian Devil are carnivorous and scavenging marsupial that lives on the island of Tasmania, Australia. The Tasmanian devil is named for the shrieking and groaning sounds it makes. The noises ter
Scientific classification: Kangaroos make up the two kangaroo families, Macropodidae and Potoroidae, in the order Marsupialia. The red kangaroo is classified as Macropus rufus; the two species of gray kangaroo are classified as Macropus giganteus and Macropus fuliginosus. Introduction The Kangaro
Scientific classification: The numbat is the only member of the Myrmecobiidae family in the order Marsupialia. It is classified as Myrmaecobius fasciatus. Introduction The Numbat or Banded Anteater is a squirrel-sized marsupial with a long, sticky tongue, which it uses to lick up ants and termites.