Scientific classification: Chameleons constitute the subfamily Chamaeloninae of the family Chamaelonidae. chameleon changing color Jackson’s chameleon is classified as Chamaeleo jacksoni. Introduction The Chameleon is the common name for certain lizards that are well known for their ability to
Author Archives: sciencehub4kids
Scientific classification: Monitors make up the genus Varanus and the family Varanidae. The Komodo dragon is classified as Varanus komodoensis, the water monitor as Varanus salvator, Introduction The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large species of lizard
Scientific classification: The frilled lizard is a member of the family Agamidae, in the order Squamata. It is classified as Chlamydosaurus kingi. Introduction The Frilled Lizard is the common name for a large lizard native to the forests of northern Australia and New Guinea. The frilled lizard, whi
Scientific classification: The Gila monster belongs to the family Helodermatidae. It is classified as Heloderma suspectum. Introduction The Gila Monster is the common name for the largest lizard in the United States, the only poisonous lizard in the United States and one of the only two poisonous li
Scientific classification: Caecilians make up the order Gymnophiona, which contains six families: Rhinatrematidae, Ichthyophiidae, Uraeoptyphlidae, Scolecomorphidae, Caeciliidae, and Typhlonectidae. The largest caecilian is classified as Caecilia thompsoni, and the smallest is Idiocranium russelli.
August 19,2015
Toads,reptiles and amphibians
Introduction Toads are a group of froglike amphibians that are usually distinguished from frogs by the roughness of the skin, due to a large number of glandular tubercules, and by the shorter hind legs. In the tropics, where most anuran (members of the order comprising the frogs, toads, and tree toa
Scientific classification: Frogs are members of the order Anura in the class Amphibia. The bullfrog and the West African goliath frog are members of the family Ranidae and are classified as, Rana catesbeiana and Conraua goliath, respectively. Poison dart frogs comprise several genera of the family D
Scientific classification: Tuataras make up the genus Sphenodon of the family Sphenodontidae, order Rhynchocephalia. They are classified as Sphenodon punctatus and Sphenodon guntheri. Introduction The Tuatara is the common name for a two species of lizardlike reptiles, the only surviving species of
Scientific classification: Crocodiles belong to the genera Crocodylus,Ostaeolamus, and Tomistoma of the family Crocodylidae, order Crocodylia. Introduction The Crocodile is a reptile and is found within crocodilian order. The term crocodilian refers to all members of the order, what do crocodiles ea
August 19,2015
Newts,Reptiles and amphibians
Scientific classification: Newts belong to the family Salamandridae. The common red-spotted newt is classified as Notophthalmus. Introduction Newt applies generally to certain members of a family of relatively small salamanders, most of which spend at least part of their lives in water. The many spe