Children are taught to fear germs, and as a result, many people grow up with a poor understanding of microorganisms. Most people do not realize that most microscopic organisms are not pathogenic and that they are an important part of the food chain. Without so-called “good bacteria”, there w
Author Archives: sciencehub4kids
An epidemic is a period of higher than normal incidence of an infectious disease. The number of cases does not need to be enormous, just higher than normal, for it to be considered an epidemic; diseases such as rhinovirus (the common cold) are not considered epidemic diseases even when they infect
Humans cannot survive without air. Technically it is one of the components of the whole air that is required by the human body. It is called oxygen. Oxygen forms the basis of various cellular pathways that keeps the body running. Blood when mixed with oxygen forms the pure form that is then transpor
All the living organisms’ intake food and have a system to utilize the required amount and flush out the rest. This activity is carried out by a group of organs that together form the excretory system. This system functions to flush out various toxins that could harm the body. The excretory system
Think about all the living things in your environment. You are probably thinking about plant and animal species, and perhaps also some fungi, like mushrooms and toadstools. Actually, the great majority of living things on planet Earth are microscopic organisms, like bacteria and amoebas. Most of
Most people may not recognize it but the human skin is an organ. It is actually the largest organ of the human body. What are the functions of the skin? It serves many functions such as regulating body temperature and acting as a barrier from the outside elements. It even has the ability to repair [
We all want our kids to eat healthy. It can be difficult in this day and age where we are bombarded with ads for processed foods that target our children. Often times processed foods and fast foods offer convenience and they are relatively cheap. These foods are sometimes even scientifically altered
Oral health, the term refers to one of the most beautifully engineered system of human body. Basically, oral system is the arrangement of teeth in the oral cavity along with its associates, like, gum. The functionality of this system helps a human to break down the larger chunks of food into smaller
Ever wondered, what happens to the food once it reached the stomach? Where does it travel to and how the body utilizes it? Well, in humans it is a complex route and the food goes through a lot once entering the body. Once the food is taken in, it travels down the food pipe and […]
Our perception of the outside world depends heavily on our five most commonly recognized senses. As far back as 322 BC mankind was aware of the existence of the senses that help interpret our surroundings. What are the five senses? They include sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Below is a brief