Scientific classification: Sharks belong to the class Chondrichthyes and the subclass Elasmobranchii. The estimated 375 species are divided into 8 orders and 30 families. Introduction Sharkare generally large fish known for their many sharp teeth, distinctive dorsal fin, and skill in locating underw
Introduction The Xiphosura are members of marine chelicerates that includes a large number of extinct lineages and only four extant species in the family Limulidae, which include the horseshoe crabs. The group has hardly changed in millions of years; the modern horseshoe crabs look almost identical
Scientific classification: The subphylum Crustacea is placed in the phylum Arthropoda. The major classes in the subphylum Crustacea are the Branchiopoda (fairy shrimps, brine shrimps), Ostracoda (mussel, or seed, shrimps), Copepoda (copepods), Cirripedia (barnacles), and Malacostraca (crabs, lobster
August 19,2015
Sea molluscs, Underwater animal
What are molluscs? The molluscs compose the large phylum of invertebrate animals known as the Mollusca. Around 85,000 extant species of molluscs are recognized. Molluscs are the largest marine phylum, comprising about 23% of all the named marine organisms. Numerous molluscs also live in freshwater a
Introduction of Poisonous Fish The poisonous fish’s physical appearance is spiny and either very colorful or very camouflaged. poisonous fish of the group Scorpaena and Synanceia are brown or gray, and camouflaged appearing to look like rocks. Some species like the Stonefish are perfectly cloaked
Scientific classification: Sharks belong to the class Chondrichthyes and the subclass Elasmobranchii. The estimated 375 species are divided into 8 orders and 30 families. The bull shark, blue shark, tiger shark, common lemon shark, dusky shark, sandbar shark, and the reef white tip shark belong to t
Scientific classification: Fishes are classified differently by different zoologists. Some of the classifications are very complex and divide fishes into more than 100 orders and suborders. Introduction Fishes are sub-divided into two distinct groups, jawless fish and jawed fish. The jawless fish ar
Scientific classification: Sponges make up the phylum Porifera. Three major groups exist. All the Calcarea are marine, with skeletal spicules composed of calcium carbonate. Introduction Porifera constitute several thousand species constituting a phylum of simple invertebrate animals. porifera are ma