Scientific classification: Pythons make up the family Pythonidae. The reticulated python is classified as Python reticulatus What is a python The Python snake is a common name for a group of nonvenomous snakes that kill by squeezing prey. Pythons mainly eat reptiles and mammals. The biggest species
Scientific classification: Rattlesnakes are members of the subfamily Crotalinae within the family Viperidae. The pygmy rattlesnake is classified as Sistrurus miliarius, and the eastern diamondback is Crotalus adamanteus. Introduction The Rattlesnake are also called rattler any of the 30 species of v
Scientific classification: Turtles make up the order Testudines in the class Reptilia. Hidden-necked turtles make up the suborder Cryptodira, and side-necked turtles comprise the suborder Pleurodira. Introduction The Turtle is a reptile with a bony or leathery shell. Any shelled reptile can be calle
Scientific classification: Cobras belong to the family Elapidae. True cobras are in the genus Naja. Water cobras are classified in the genus Boulengerina and burrowing cobras in the genus Paranaja. Introduction The Cobra snake is the name for a group of venomous snakes known for their hooded threat
Scientific classification: Boas belong to the family Boidae. The boa constrictor is classified as Boa constrictor, the emerald tree boa as Corallus canina, and the rubber boa as Charina bottae. Introduction The Boa is a common name for nonpoisonous snakes of the boa family. Like all members of this
Scientific classification: Anacondas belong to the Boidae family. There are four species, all in the genus Eunectes. The common anaconda is classified as Eunectes murinus, and the yellow anaconda as Eunectes notaeus, anaconda snake. The dark-spotted or de Schauensee’s anaconda is Eunectes deschaue
Scientific classification: Geckos make up the family Gekkonidae. The African day gecko is classified in the genus Phelsuma, and the New Zealand tree gecko in the genus Naultinus. Introduction The Gecko is the common name for members of a family of small, harmless lizards, found mainly in tropical re
Scientific classification: Flying dragons are members of the family Agamidae, in the order Squamata. They make up the genus Draco. Introduction Draco is a genus of agamid lizards that also are known as flying dragons. The ribs and their connecting membrane may be extended to create a wing, the hindl
Scientific classification: Chameleons constitute the subfamily Chamaeloninae of the family Chamaelonidae. chameleon changing color Jackson’s chameleon is classified as Chamaeleo jacksoni. Introduction The Chameleon is the common name for certain lizards that are well known for their ability to
Scientific classification: Monitors make up the genus Varanus and the family Varanidae. The Komodo dragon is classified as Varanus komodoensis, the water monitor as Varanus salvator, Introduction The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), also known as the Komodo monitor, is a large species of lizard