Scientific classification: Raccoons make up the genus Procyon of the family Procyonidae. The common North American raccoon is classified as Procyon lotor What are Racoons? Raccoon are carnivorous mammal found throughout the United States, southern Canada, and Central and South America, whose head is
Scientific classification: Skunks belong to the family Mustelidae, which also includes weasels, otters, martens, and badgers.The spotted skunk, is classified as Spilogale putorius, the striped skunk as Mephitis mephitis. What are Skunks? Skunk are carnivore best known for the offensive odor they pro
Scientific classification: Weasels belong to the family Mustelidae and make up the genus Mustela. The ermine is classified as Mustela erminea What is a weasel? Weasel are common name for any of several small, fur-bearing, carnivorous mammals that are most abundant in North America and Europe but als
Scientific classification: Mongooses belong to the family Herpestidae. The ichneumon is classified as Herpestes ichneumon, the Indian mongoose as Herpestes edwardsi, and the suricate as Suricata suricatta. What do you know about Mongoose Mongoose are group of bold agile carnivores renowned for killi