Scientific classification: Anteaters make up the family Myrmecophagidae. The giant anteater is classified as Myrmecophaga tridactyla. Introduction Anteaters is the usual name for any of the four insect-eating mammals of Mexico, Central America, and South America, having a long head with a long, tubu
Scientific classification: Shrews make up the family Soricidae in the order Insectivora. Long-tailed shrews belong to the genus Sorex. Short-tailed shrews belong to the genus Blarina. Introduction Shrew are small mammal with a long pointed nose, the shrew is related to the mole. More than 240 spec
Scientific classification: Hedgehogs belong to the family Erinaceidae. Eurasian hedgehogs are classified in the genus Erinaceus, African hedgehogs in the genus Atelerix. Introduction The hedgehog is the usual name for any of several spiny mammals that are similar in appearance to the porcupine, but